Marsden Connect - Bluetooth enabled weight tracking mobile app development

The latest version of Marsden’s new weight tracking app is now live in the Google Play and Apple app stores. The app was designed and developed by Sheaf Digital.

The Marsden Weighing Group is based in Rotherham, South Yorkshire. For over 90 years, Marsden has been supplying high quality, accurate sales to the UK medical profession and industry. Marsden now sells a range of Bluetooth enabled scales. The Marsden Connect app can connect directly to one of these scales - weights can be downloaded and recorded without the need for manual input, thereby reducing errors and increasing data accuracy.

Marsden Connect - mobile development with React Native
Marsden Connect - mobile development with React Native

Key features of the Marsden Connect app design and development include:

  1. A simple, intuitive design. There are no unnecessary screens, text is kept to a minimum and the clean design is optimised for ease of use.
  2. App development with React Native. That’s the leading cross platform development framework. React Native means you develop one software application for both iOS and Android. That is a significant cost saving for the customer - both on the development and ongoing support.
  3. Connection to scales using Bluetooth LE. We used a popular React Native Bluetooth library to connect the app to the scales.
  4. A simple chart that shows changes in weight over time. We used the Victory charting modules - a great toolkit for React Native app developers looking for a charting/graph solution. The chart in the app automatically resizes as the number of recorded weights increases.
    Marsden Connect weight chart
  5. Integration with Apple Health and Google Fit. In the latest version of the app, users can now optionally choose to save weights into Google Fit and Apple Health. Both Apple and Android provide comprehensive documentation for developers who want to work with the two different health apps. Marsden Connect is now part of a growing ecosystem of connected smart health apps.

Of course you don’t have to have one of Marsden’s bluetooth scales if you want to use the app. You can use the app to track weights manually - just type in your weight. And the app will also calculate your BMI.

Marsden Connect is free to download from both the iOS App Store and the Google Play store.

You can find out more about Marsden here - Marsden Weighing Group Ltd.

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