
   Software Development

Vacancy Search and the South Yorkshire Apprenticeship Hub

Sheaf Digital has developed a version of our Sheffield Apprenticeships vacancy search site for the new South Yorkshire Apprenticeship Hub (SYAH).

The SYAH vacancy site shows current live apprenticeship vacancies across South Yorkshire. The vacancy data comes from the Apprenticeship Service API and is updated several times each day.

   Software Development

The Avanti Schools Trust - Microsoft Power Apps Case Study

The Avanti Schools Trust HR department asked Sheaf Digital to replace a paper based recruitment requisition form with a simpler, more efficient software solution.

There are 12 schools in the Trust and the recruitment of new staff in a school - teaching and support staff - has to be approved by both the school's headteacher and a central team finance lead.

   Software Development

Marsden Connect - Bluetooth enabled weight tracking mobile app development

The latest version of Marsden’s new weight tracking app is now live in the Google Play and Apple app stores. The app was designed and developed by Sheaf Digital.

The Marsden Weighing Group is based in Rotherham, South Yorkshire. For over 90 years, Marsden has been supplying high quality, accurate sales to the UK medical profession and industry. Marsden now sells a range of Bluetooth enabled scales. The Marsden Connect app can connect directly to one of these scales - weights can be downloaded and recorded without the need for manual input, thereby reducing errors and increasing data accuracy.

   Software Development

How to automatically backup a PostgreSQL database to Microsoft Azure

I wanted to backup a PostgreSQL database automatically to some offsite storage/server.

The first thing I had to do was decide where to put the backup. In the end I decided to use Azure as part of the solution. I know people say Azure’s expensive, but you can get a 12 month free trial. So at the time of writing, this solution doesn’t cost anything.

   Software Development

How do you choose between Dynamics 365 or bespoke CRM development?

How do you choose between Microsoft Dynamics 365 and a bespoke customer relationship management (CRM) solution if you want a new back office system to collect and manage information about customers, products and orders? Perhaps you want to capture new leads, allocate them to your sales team and then track sales conversations. When is a bespoke CRM system a better long term solution?

   Software Development

The hardest part of software development - identifying and prioritising business requirements

Writing software isn’t difficult when you know what you want to do. Coding is the easy bit. The tricky bit is working out what your end users and your customers really need. And when you think you’ve done that, you’ve got to document it and communicate it in a way that makes it as easy as possible for your development team to design and build the best solution.

   Software Development

Bespoke CRM Development - 10 Things You Should Know

A bespoke customer relationship management solution is an affordable alternative to more complex off-the-shelf software. It will put you in complete control of the information you collect about customers, enquiries, leads and sales; you make better decisions when you can report on accurate, well organised data.

Here are ten reasons why you should consider a bespoke CRM solution:

   Software Development

The Sheaf Digital Test - 12 Steps to Better Bespoke Software

This post was inspired by Joel Splosky’s 'The Joel Test: 12 Steps to Better Code'. That post is now more than 20 years old, but it is still very relevant and has plenty of good, clear advice for its software developer audience. This one is slightly different because my intended audience is customers - people with little or no software development expertise who want to commission bespoke software. It’ll take you less than 5 minutes to read and you never know, it could save you a lot of time, hassle and money.

   Software Development

Learning React - Building a simple list of blog posts with React and Bootstrap

The best way to learn React is to dive straight in and build something. To keep things simple I decided to copy our current website (PHP with Twig templates) in React. That way I wouldn’t have to spend any time thinking about the usual stuff that comes with a new web project (requirements, UI design etc), instead I could just focus on understanding how React works.

   Software Development

How to build a dynamic sitemap with PHP

The sitemap file for Coursedate, our online course booking system, is generated on the fly using PHP.

We don’t manually update the sitemap.xml file each time a training provider creates a new course. New course pages now appear automatically in the sitemap file as soon as they are published in Coursedate’s course directory. That’s less work for us and it means the sitemap is always up to date when search engines do their indexing.
