EDTech News - Learning analytics cuts university drop out rates

  in  Education & Technology
  1. UK's Nudge Unit tests machine learning to rate schools and GPs Machine learning might spot failing schools and mean fewer Ofsted inspections.

  2. Google and Gallup’s computer science education research: six things to know Boys and girls equally interested in computer science at age 12 but not two years later.

  3. Springboard raises $9.5M to offer an online alternative to the master’s degree “You’re not listening to a lecture alongside 40 other students. Instead, you get get one-on-one attention from mentors, career coaches and industry experts. It’s an education tailored to your needs".

  4. Big data could solve the college-dropout problem Learning analytics in the US - using big data to identify students at risk of dropping out.

  5. Putting students first  More learning analytics - Bill Gates on how one university in the US is using data to cut student drop out rates.