
Technical consultancy for Coventry Independent Advice Service

Sheaf Digital has completed a consultancy project for Coventry Independent Advice Service (CIAS), a charity that provides free advice and support to residents in Coventry. Residents currently contact CIAS through the website or by phone and can book an appointment for face to face advice.

Sheaf Digital were asked to look at how other social media/communication tools could be added to the CIAS website so that residents have more choice when they want to contact CIAS.


Consultancy support on the staff individualised record (SIR) project for the Education and Training Foundation

Sheaf Digital has just finished a piece of software/technical consultancy for the Education and Training Foundation. The Foundation is responsible for the annual collection of staff individualised record (SIR) data from English FE colleges. The data - anonymised information about FE staff pay, qualifications and contracted hours - is used by the Foundation and the Department for Education to better understand the FE workforce.

Submission of SIR data by FE colleges is voluntary. Most of the data comes from college HR systems but some of it can be in other IT systems in the college or even on paper in a filing cabinet. There’s a technical data specification document that describes what should be submitted and the format of the SIR upload file.


What are the top 6 sales channels for a small software development company?

Generating leads is the hardest thing you’ve got to do when you run a software business - harder than writing software, managing tricky clients or even making the sale.

The good news is that there are some specific things you can that actually do work.


The SaaS Checklist - Will My Software as a Service idea Work?

Software as a Service has become the standard way to deliver business software to end users - solutions that are usually externally hosted, web based and sold on a subscription basis.

The appeal of SaaS to the software developer is that you don’t have to worry about installing software at a client’s site. And even better, you might not have to visit the client to make the sale. Most SaaS solutions are also multi-tenancy, so you only have to support one installed application.


How Will You Sell Your Software?

Do you want to develop and sell software? We suggest you think about how you’ll market and sell your application before you start to write any code. Don’t fall into the “build it and they’ll come” trap and don’t underestimate how difficult it is to take your product to market.
