
   eLearning Consultancy

Course Design - Learn from YouTube and Build Successful Online Courses with Video

Many of the videos on YouTube are training videos, tutorials and short lessons and YouTube is now the first place many people go when they want to learn a new skill.

There are some good examples of training providers using video to build an audience, stay connected with customers and promote their brand. It is worth spending time on some of the different training related channels to get a feel for what you could do if you decided to create your own video content.

   eLearning Consultancy

Online Course Marketing Ideas - Reach more learners - 5 simple ideas that work

Here are some simple things you can do to build a bigger online audience, promote your courses and increase bookings/enrolments. They are not complicated and most are based on things we can learn from successful sites like Amazon or YouTube.

   eLearning Consultancy

Online Learning Technology Guide - how to deliver affordable online training

How do you create good quality online training, particularly if you want to do it quickly and you’re on a tight budget?

Here are 5 different approaches - the approach you choose will depend on your own circumstances and requirements. These should give you an idea of what’s available and encourage you to think a bit more about your long term goals for your online training offer.

   eLearning Consultancy

What are the benefits of elearning?

Perhaps you’re in the hospitality industry and you want to deliver basic food safety training to new starters. Or you work in social care and you want to put several staff through a Level 2 course in Dementia Awareness.

Elearning is a very viable alternative to traditional face-to-face training.

   eLearning Consultancy

What does a bespoke learning management system cost?

This is a rough guide to the costs of a bespoke learning management system. Of course it’s a very rough guide, but you get an idea of the possible costs and a starting point for further discussion with a software developer.

   eLearning Consultancy

Learning Japanese with Duolingo

I am a student of basic Japanese. I’ve done a year of evening classes here in Sheffield and I can just about remember all the Hiragana and Katakana, build some basic sentences and recognise the occasional word (one or two an episode!) when I’m watching Terrace House on Netflix.

From the start it was obvious that remembering things - and I mean even remembering what I’d done in class the night before - was the challenge. In fact, there were times when I got home and my dear wife (who speaks decent Japanese) asked what I done in the lesson and I’d already forgotten. Short term memory wiped by a 15 minute car journey.

   eLearning Consultancy

5 Top Tips - How to Begin to Use E-learning to Train Your Team

Companies that want to begin to use e-learning for staff training face a bewildering array of jargon, different systems and new technology - the path to a great solution that delivers both high quality training and a clear return on your investment may not be obvious.

Here are some tips to help you find your way:

   eLearning Consultancy

How Could a Training Company Sell E-Learning Courses Online?

Here are 5 things to think about if you’re a training company and you want make money by selling online courses.

  • Think about the Software as a Service (SaaS) model. You want a ‘multi-tenant’ online system - one system that supports multiple clients or ‘tenants’. A separate ‘instance’ of an online system for each client will cost more in the long run and be more harder to maintain.

  • Do you want the client to be as self sufficient as possible? So a client signs up, creates an account, creates their own courses and enrol their own learners. You’re as hands off as possible.
