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Five Big Mistakes that Project Managers Make
What are the most common mistakes that new project managers make? Here are some that we come across when we’re asked to help out on projects that have got into difficulty.
The Project Kick Off Meeting - Why it Matters and How to Do it Right
You should start every project with a project kick off meeting. Get the team in a room and walk them through the project. The meeting’s important - maybe the most important you’ll do on the project - because it sets the tone, it gives you opportunity to really explain the business case and you can walk people through the plan. You want the whole team onboard and that first meeting is where you tell people how they fit into the big picture.
How Will You Sell Your Software?
Do you want to develop and sell software? We suggest you think about how you’ll market and sell your application before you start to write any code. Don’t fall into the “build it and they’ll come” trap and don’t underestimate how difficult it is to take your product to market.
Six Tips for Working with Stakeholders on a Big Multi Partner Project
Projects with external partner organisations are a feature of some sectors. In the charity world for example, it’s not uncommon for organisation to get together and bid for new project funding.
Projects with external partners can be challenging because each organisation has its own agenda, priorities and business processes. Senior staff in each organisation know the background to the project and understand the business case but the operational staff who you’ll need to work with the deliver the project can be more preoccupied with their day to day work. It can be difficult to get people to engage with the project, particularly when deadlines are slipping and an extra push is required to get things over the line.
How to Procure a Learning Management System
Here are some tips for any organisations that wants to procure a learning management system, either for the first time or to replace an existing system.
Why Your Project Needs a Good Gantt Chart
Gantt charts are great way to illustrate and share project schedules. A well designed Gantt chart is still the best way to show the dependencies between the tasks and deliverables that make up your project.
A good Gantt chart should also make sense to the wider team - it should give everyone an overview of the project and the sequence of tasks and deliverables that need to happen before the project is complete.
How to Get Someone to Read Your Project Initiation Document
Project Managers often produce a Project Initiation Document (PID) at the start of the project. It’s a sort of project reference document, a collection of other bits of important documentation and the starting point for anyone who wants to know what the project is about.
The PID should be useful - something that people want to read - but it can end up being too long and difficult to read. They get produced for the wrong reason - to tick a quality management box rather than to share important project information with key stakeholders. "Project Managers often produce a Project Initiation Document (PID) at the start of the project."
8 Things to Think About When Planning Your Project
Here are some tips for anyone who’s about to plan a new project. They are for novice project manager but hopefully any project manager will find something useful here.
Be clear about the deliverable. What exactly gets delivered at the end of the project? You may think it’s obvious but it’s not always the case, particularly in complex projects that have multiple stakeholders. Your project is at risk if your important stakeholders don’t have a shared understanding of what the project is about.
Read up on Work Breakdown Structures and then use one to break up a complex project into simpler deliverables. Take each task and breakdown into its constituent parts. Keep going until you’ve got a more manageable set of tasks. You end up with something that looks a bit like an organisation hierarchy chart and you’ve now got something to transfer to a plan.
Why your project management really matters when you’re procuring and implementing new software
Technology companies understand project management - they organise themselves around projects. They have teams - resources - all working together to deliver a new feature or product on time and on budget.
Software companies also use project managers when they roll out new software for clients. The client’s day to day point of contact with the supplier will usually be one of the supplier’s project managers.
Software Development Projects - How to Get Better Estimates
Software development costs are almost entirely people and on a fixed price project it can be hard to unpick every small job and sensibly estimate how long they will take.
Even small projects - one or two months of effort - can have plenty of hidden costs.