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What is Progress 8 and how is it calculated?
Progress 8 is a new way of measuring secondary school performance in England. It was introduced in 2016 and it aims to capture the progress a student makes between the end of primary school and the end of secondary school.
Progress 8 scores are calculated for each individual student and then averaged across the the school to get a single Progress 8 score for the school.
5 Top Tips - How to Begin to Use E-learning to Train Your Team
Companies that want to begin to use e-learning for staff training face a bewildering array of jargon, different systems and new technology - the path to a great solution that delivers both high quality training and a clear return on your investment may not be obvious.
Here are some tips to help you find your way:
How Could a Training Company Sell E-Learning Courses Online?
Here are 5 things to think about if you’re a training company and you want make money by selling online courses.
Think about the Software as a Service (SaaS) model. You want a ‘multi-tenant’ online system - one system that supports multiple clients or ‘tenants’. A separate ‘instance’ of an online system for each client will cost more in the long run and be more harder to maintain.
Do you want the client to be as self sufficient as possible? So a client signs up, creates an account, creates their own courses and enrol their own learners. You’re as hands off as possible.