Power BI Training

Develop interactive data dashboards

Off-the-shelf and bespoke Microsoft Power BI training for teams and individuals:

  • Hit the ground running with Microsoft Power BI - connect to data sources, design and build reports;
  • Share interactive reports and data dashboards with colleagues;
  • Get to grips with some advanced features - calculated columns, measures and DAX.

Our standard courses are shown below. Training can be bespoke - content is adapted to meet your exact requirements.

Microsoft Power BI Essentials

1 or 2 day course

Power BI Desktop, connecting to data, building reports. Good report design. Basic DAX. Using the Power BI service to share reports.

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Empowering Teams with Microsoft Power BI

1 day course

An overview of Power BI with more emphasis on using reports with teams to create a culture of data driven decision making.

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DAX for Beginners - get more from Power BI Desktop

1 day course

An introduction to Power BI Desktop but then a more focused look at calculated columns, measures and DAX.

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A typical one day introduction to Microsoft Power BI training course could include:

  1. Overview - get to grips with Microsoft Power BI Desktop.
  2. Connnect to Data - data sources in Power BI, connecting to MS Excel.
  3. Work with Data - shaping data, relationships and querying.
  4. Build Interactive Reports - visualisations, tips and tricks, filters.
  5. Take a Closer Look - calculated columns, measures, introducing DAX.

Where possible we give training more context by using examples and scenarios from your own business.

microsoft power bi dashboards

Sheaf Digital Power BI training is organised around practical activities and real world problems. Delegates are confident and productive when they finish the course.

Talk to us today and find out more about our Microsoft Power BI training.

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Use Microsoft Power BI in your school and cut admin time, find insights in data and make better, more informed decisions. Find out how to use Power BI to understand student attainment.

Our affordable, tailored support for schools includes:

  1. Initial analysis and review

    Understand your data - where your data is stored, how you want to present it to users and what options exist for getting data out of MIS databases and optimising it for reporting.

  2. Power BI implementation

    Start with a proof of concept Power BI service and then build outwards to a more comprehensive solution. We show you how to create a scalable and sustainable Power BI solution. Prototype school dashboard ideas with MS Excel.

  3. Power BI training

    Take the solution forward. More advanced Power BI reports training - calculated columns, measures, DAX.

Reporting on data that is held in different schools within a multi academy trust presents particular challenges. Our Power BI service for schools includes clear technical advice (for a non-technical audience) on how Power BI can work in a multi school context.

More about Power BI in schools...