Vacancy Search and the South Yorkshire Apprenticeship Hub
Sheaf Digital has developed a version of our Sheffield Apprenticeships vacancy search site for the new South Yorkshire Apprenticeship Hub (SYAH). The SYAH is a new support service for businesses and individuals - it provides advice for employers that want to recruit apprentices and guidance for young people who are thinking about alternatives to university.
The SYAH vacancy site shows current live apprenticeship vacancies across South Yorkshire. The vacancy data comes from the Apprenticeship Service API and is updated several times each day.
The application is built with a technology called Next.js and is essentially a static site (at least that is what end users see). The site gets regenerated several times each day using data from the API - so visitors to the site enjoy really fast, responsive pages because they don’t have to wait for the application to query the API each time they move to a new page in the site.
The SYAH vacancy site is a bit more complicated than the Sheffield Apprenticeships vacancy site because it allows filtering by town - each combination of category and town needs to be statically generated. Writing the code that generates the pages from the list of vacancies that comes back from the API took a little longer, but the end result is a super fast site that is the easiest way to see apprenticeship vacancies in the South Yorkshire region.
You can see the new SYAH vacancies site here.